The main flavor additive in my SuperBowl is cinnamon. I love this stuff, and it has always been a big part of my morning oatmeal. I usually like to eat an apple with my morning oatmeal, and the cinnamon is a great flavor compliment to it.
An added benefit to this, is that cinnamon is a healthy choice for several reasons. It does a great job of buffering blood sugar spikes in diabetics and prediabetics, it's loaded with antioxidants, it has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties, and it's a great source of fiber (it's basically tree bark).
I use two types of cinnamon in my SuperBowl; Cassia and Ceylon. I use Ceylon because you can have problems if you eat too much Cassia cinnamon (See the video below). I like a lot of cinnamon in my SuperBowl, and I eat it everyday. If I used all Cassia cinnamon everyday, it could do more harm than good. The Cassia cinnamon is better for improving insulin resistance and regulating blood sugar. Cassia is the normal cinnamon that you get at the grocery store. Ceylon is usually labeled as such when you see it. I get my Cassia at the grocery store and the Ceylon in 1 pound packages from Amazon.
If you are diabetic and want to keep your morning routine simpler than me, use Cassia cinnamon, but be careful that you are not loading up on it. It can cause liver problems if you get too much on a regular basis. If you really like the taste of cinnamon, it's a good idea to use a little Cassia for diabetes control and a larger amount of Ceylon for the other benefits.